Meet Your Tongue-Tie Expert - Cleveland, OH

Get to Know Dr. Andrea Csok

Cleveland Ohio dentist Doctor Andrea Csok

Dr. Andrea Csok is more than just a dentist. She is also a mother of two and enjoys treating young smiles. She also understands the frustrations that come with having a lip or tongue-tie. Because of her own experience as well as those of her children, she relates to parents who feel scared and helpless in these situations. This is why she has devoted her career to helping patients not only achieve healthier smiles but also live life with greater oral function.

Why Did You Decide to focus your career on Lip & Tongue-Tie Treatment?

When I became a mother, I anticipated breastfeeding to go smoothly and effortlessly. It was not the case. In desperation, I reached out to multiple lactation consultants wanting someone to come and show me what and how to do it.  They all responded with things like simply using a nipple shield.

My son struggled to latch, and I had a tremendous amount of pain feeding him. I pushed through it even though it was not easy. Once his teeth started coming in, I noticed the large gap between them and realized that his maxillary frenum was attached to his palate. Two years later, my daughter was also born with a lip tie.

The midwife that delivered my daughter told me to consider doing lip and tongue-tie releases. She explained all her struggles she had because of her tongue-tie up until she got it released as an adult. I was skeptical at first about it, but the more I dove into it, I realized I had a posterior tongue-tie myself. This made me realize that all the mouth breathing, chronic earaches and severe malocclusion could have been correlated with my tongue-tie.  Just like my midwife, I am also an example of the consequences that arise from not having my tongue-tie treated as an infant or a child


Doctor Csok and her family

Where Did You Study Lip & Tongue-Tie Treatment?

I completed Dr. Baxter’s Tongue-Tie Academy course and gained a wealth of knowledge from it. I then attended the International Affiliation of Tongue-Tie professionals annual conference to gain more knowledge and meet an array of providers who also deal with tethered oral tissues. Meeting professionals with similar passion in helping patients who suffer from tethered oral tissues was an unforgettable experience and it encouraged me to establish my own network of providers to give our patients the best possible outcomes.

Network of Providers

Tongue tied academy logo American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry logo American Dental Association logo Academy of Laser Dentistry logo Ohio Dental Association logo

Outside of the Dental Office, What Do You Like to Do?

Collage of images of Doctor Csok and her family

Away from the specialty dental office, Dr. Csok’s favorite thing to do is spend time with family. Her husband, son, and daughter love to go camping and hiking, especially in the Adirondacks.  They enjoy traveling to Florida or visiting family in Hungary and Romania. Dr. Csok’s favorite destination is Switzerland. She is a big coffee lover and likes her coffee extra hot. She really enjoys going to local coffee shops. Dr. Csok is excited to see you at Cleveland Tongue-Tie Center.