Lip & Tongue-Tie Treatment Aftercare - Cleveland, OH

What to Expect Once You Get Home

Child in dental chair smiling

You might think that after a lip or tongue-tie treatment, you’ll be required to undergo extensive recovery, but that is not the case. Because of the use of the LightScalpel laser, it is a much easier process than you might think. Give us a call if you are unsure about your post-operative instructions or would like to discuss this further with Dr. Csok.

Patient Aftercare

Woman in dental chair smiling at lip and tongue tie specialist

If your little one recently underwent a frenectomy, it’s important that you practice stretches to prevent any of the tissues from reattaching. Dr. Csok will provide detailed instructions regarding how to do these safely and quickly. You can  expect there to be some soreness, especially the first few days.

The average timeframe for full recovery is up to six weeks; however, resuming normal daily activities will likely occur much sooner.


Post-Op Instructions

Woman sharing healthy smile

Immediately following the procedure, Dr. Csok will provide post-operative instructions that you can follow at home. These are essential to ensure a successful recovery, no matter if it is you or your child undergoing a frenectomy. To better understand what you can expect afterward, click the link below to download the available instructions.

Adult Post-Op Instructions Child Post-Op Instructions Infant Post-Op Instructions