What to Expect & How to Prepare for Your Visit - Cleveland, OH

What You Need to Know Beforehand

Man smiling during consultation with lip and tongue tie specialist

Preparing for your initial consultation with Dr. Csok should not cause worry or anxiety. Instead, you can expect a calming and personalized experience that focuses solely on you and your symptoms. After discussing your concerns and ultimate goals with her, she will perform an exam to identify the type of tie and its severity of restriction. She’ll also go over the appropriate form of treatment and develop a plan to get you started.

Before Your Appointment

Specialty dentist and patient talking during consultation

Before arriving for your appointment, we encourage you to look at the various symptoms listed on our website. If you notice any pertaining to your situation, make note of them so that you can discuss them with Dr. Csok during your visit. If it is your child who needs treatment, bringing a comfort item from home can help minimize any anxiety they might feel. Also, if the frenectomy is performed the same day, make sure to bring a bottle or be prepared to nurse following your child’s procedure, as this can help with the recovery process.