Our Network of Lip & Tongue-Tie Providers - Cleveland, OH

Our Network of Expert Providers

If you’d like to find out more about lip and tongue-tie, connect with others who share your experience, or discover additional resources, we invite you to explore some of the information below about our network of lip and tongue-tie providers in Cleveland, OH. You’ll find a wide array of research, support groups, and other services.

Feeling overwhelmed with all this new information? Give Dr. Csok a call. Our doctor and team are passionate about helping people understand their conditions and all possible treatment solutions. You’re not alone. We’re always here to help.

Myofunctional Therapist

Julia Meyer COM

Phone: 216-801-1166

E-mail: julia@clevelandhomebirth.com

Lactation consultants

Elizabeth Balassy RN, HC, IBCLC, LCCE

Phone: 440-570-2858

E-mail: elizabeth@balassy.net

Jessica Kielbasa RN, BSN, IBCL and Samantha Lavender RN, MN, IBCLC

Phone: 216-232-3933

E-mail: jessica@loveandwellnesslactation.com

Website: www.loveandwellnesslactation.com


Dr. Felix Gen DDS, MS

Phone: 440-442-3525

Website: www.brace4success.com

Cranial Sacral Therapist

Colleen Kennedy-Schroeder CPM, CST

Phone: 216-299-8522

E-mail: jointhevillagecle@gmail.com

Website: thevillagecle.org


Dr. Tyler Munn D.C.

Phone: 330-954-9392

Website: www.munnchiropractic.com