Orofacial Myology Therapy - Cleveland, OH

Better Oral Function For Life

Are you or your child struggling to breathe, eat, sleep, or even speak? If so, it may be that the tongue, lips, or other oral and facial structures are not moving as they should. As a result, this can cause joint and muscle strain that makes it difficult to perform normal daily tasks. Fortunately, there is a solution that is designed to improve this problem and allow for a better quality of life – myofascial therapy also called orofacial myology therapy. Call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Csok for an evaluation, and she’ll help you learn more about your options for orofacial myology therapy in Cleveland, OH.


  • Personalized Treatment Plans For Patients of All Ages
  • Partnered with Certified Myofunctional Therapists
  • Compassionate and Caring Team Dedicated to Your Success

How Orofacial Myology Can Help

woman breathing through one nostril

Orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs) interrupt normal movement patterns and can lead to a variety of different issues if not addressed properly. Orofacial myology can be used to address…

  • Long-term mouth-breathing
  • Improper development and alignment of teeth
  • Improper development of jaw growth & facial structures
  • Negative impact on the function of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
  • Speech distortions

Why Someone Might Need Orofacial Myology

young girl snoring

There are numerous potential causes for orofacial myofunctional disorders. Generally, there are a combination of factors, including some of the following:

  • Airway restriction due to enlarged tonsils, allergies, or anatomical deviations
  • Improper oral habits, like thumb/finger sucking, cheek/nail-biting, and teeth grinding/clenching
  • Neurological developmental delays/abnormalities
  • Structural or physiological abnormalities (including tongue tie)

How Long Does Orofacial Myology Therapy Take?

mom holding young daughter

This varies from patient to patient. Orofacial Myology Therapy is individualized based on someone's unique concerns. Treatment time is typically anywhere from 6-12 months depending on the age of the patient, the severity of the OMD, and their adherence to their exercise plan. Our treatment is focused on eliminating bad oral habits and correcting muscle imbalances so patients can breathe well, use their mouths properly, and sleep with ease. Treatment sessions are usually 45-60 minutes long, and custom home exercises will be given to each patient.

Orofacial Myology Therapy FAQs

Do you suspect that you or someone in your family might be able to benefit from orofacial myology therapy? If so, our team is ready to talk with you — we are eager to answer your questions! In the meantime, you might find some useful facts in the list of FAQs below. We want you to feel well-informed before you commit to any treatment.

What Is a Simple Way to Define Orofacial Myology Therapy?

Orofacial myology therapy, which is otherwise known as myofunctional therapy, is basically a form of physical therapy that targets the mouth and nearby structures. It trains the tongue and other muscles to work harmoniously together as part of a cohesive system. It can result in easier swallowing, improved breathing, clearer speech, and other positive outcomes.

At What Age Should Treatment Start?

Myofunctional therapy can be beneficial for patients of virtually all ages. Often, it is used to help toddlers and young children who have breathing or swallowing problems. As long as a patient is old enough to understand basic instructions and perform certain exercises, they may be a candidate for myofunctional therapy. In many cases, it can be beneficial for people who are as young as 4 or 5 years old.

Orofacial myology can also be used to help teens and adults; no one is really “too old” for this therapy.

Do I Need Orofacial Myology Therapy Before My Frenectomy?

In most cases, yes, it is beneficial for patients to undergo orofacial myology therapy prior to their frenectomy (a frenectomy is a minimally invasive surgery that releases a tongue or lip tie). Pre-treatment therapy can prepare you for both the surgery and the recovery period.

Post-frenectomy orofacial myology is also recommended in most cases.

How Much Does Orofacial Myology Therapy Cost?

The cost of orofacial myology therapy can vary depending on who provides it, the cost of living in the local area, and other factors. Often, there is a set fee per therapy session. However, some providers offer a total package that includes all necessary sessions for a larger set fee.

Insurance sometimes covers part of the cost of orofacial myology, but this is quite hit-and-miss. Some insurance companies view this therapy as an emerging form of treatment and are reluctant to offer coverage. You should check with your specific insurance provider to learn how they view this treatment.

Does Orofacial Myology Therapy Hurt?

Some patients find it uncomfortable to perform the exercises that are required as part of orofacial myology therapy. After all, you will have to push your body beyond what it normally does! However, there should be no real pain. The end goal is to strengthen your oral structures and improve their functionality, not to cause pain or damage.